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Sunday May 31, 2020
Start: May 31 2020 8:00 am

Low Mass at 8:00am; High Mass at 10:30am.  Proper on page 707.  Preface for Pentecost on page 883.   Please join us in the hall after either Mass for refreshments.

For Pentecost, we will sing the Veni Creator at the beginning of the 11am Mass, instead of the Vidi Aquam.  You may gain a plenary indulgence on that day by singing along with the Veni Creator.  The usual conditions apply: to be in a state of grace, to have no attachment to sin, to receive the sacrament of penance the week before or after, to receive holy communion on that day, and to pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary or any other prayer).
Our Lord Jesus Christ, being seated on the right hand of God, sent, as He had promised, the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, who, after His Ascension, continued in prayer at Jerusalem, in company with the Blessed Virgin, awaiting the performance of His promise.
Let us pray in like manner with the Church:  "Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love."

Sunday June 07, 2020
Start: Jun 7 2020 8:00 am

First Sunday after Pentecost.

Low Mass at 8:00am; High Mass at 11:00am.  Proper on page 738.  Preface of the Most Holy Trinity on page 884.  Please join us in the hall after either Mass for refreshments.


Monday June 08, 2020
Start: Jun 8 2020 12:10 pm

Feria Mass of the First Sunday after Pentecost. Proper on page 738. Common Preface on page 886.




Tuesday June 09, 2020
Start: Jun 9 2020 7:00 am

Proper on page 1704. Preface of the Dead on page 886.

Wednesday June 10, 2020
Start: Jun 10 2020 12:10 pm

Proper on page 1298, 1067.  Common Preface on page 886.
Margaret was born in Hungary, though of the Saxon royal stock and was married to Malcolm III, King of Scotland.  Her long reign of thirty years was illustrious for her inexhaustible charity to the poor.  She died A.D. 1093 and is honored among the Patrons of Scotland.

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